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In memoriam Bruno Peeters

In memoriam Bruno Peeters

° 21/07/1939 - † 25/12/2024

Commemorative speech that was included in the textbook of the funeral.

Christmas wishes from IEC

Christmas wishes from IEC

2024 - what a year!

59th Europeade Nuoro 2024 - Thanks

59th Europeade Nuoro 2024 - Thanks

The chairman of the International Europeade Committee thanks you very much for coming. Every participant stands for peace, freedom and friendship for all people in the world. We were able, despite the difficulties, to show our colourful Europe to the people of Sardinia.

Prospection trip to Scotland

Prospection trip to Scotland

Will the Europeade take place in Scotland in 2026? 
President Rüdiger Hess went prospecting.

Looking back on the 58th and looking ahead to 59th Europeade

Looking back on the 58th and looking ahead to 59th Europeade

Mayor Andrea Soddu and President Rüdiger Heß are certain that Europeade 2024 should also be an event focusing on peace and freedom in Europe. Rüdiger Heß:: "We will meet again as part of the Europeade family in Nuoro and spend five enjoyable days together."

59. Europeade Nuoro, Sardegna (IT)

59. Europeade Nuoro, Sardegna (IT)

On 28th August 2023, a letter of intent was signed to organise the 59th Europeade in Nuoro, Sardegna (IT) from 24 to 28 July 2024.

58. Europeade will take place in Gotha, Thüringen DE

58. Europeade will take place in Gotha, Thüringen DE

4056 participants from 21 countries will join the 58. Europeade in Gotha 2023!

New staff member

New staff member

We are delighted to introduce our new staff member.

„Ein überzeugter Europäer“

„Ein überzeugter Europäer“
Bürgermeister Heß mit der Europamedaille ausgezeichnet

Geismar – Frankenberger aus Sachsen und Hessen zollten stehenden Beifall: In Anerkennung seiner Verdienste um die europäische Einigung ist Frankenbergs Bürgermeister Rüdiger Heß am Samstag mit der Europamedaille ausgezeichnet worden.

Europeade is chosen as one of the 33 best intimate festivals of Europe

Europeade is chosen as one of the 33 best intimate festivals of Europe

According to Flightnetwork, Europe’s leading travel agency, Europeade is one of Europe’s best intimate festivals in 2018. We were selected amongst 32 other major names, specifically for the tight-knit community we have formed with neighbors of varying nations.



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